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Trip to the Beach

Gerard's owner told him that they were going on a trip to the beach for the very first time. He didn't know what she was talking about, but he grabbed his SPF300+ sunblock, metallic flip-flops and board shorts and hopped in the van anyway. Gerard was really excited.

After a very very long drive, they finally got to Anvaya was a really bright weather...Gerard saw the beach for the first time. He said it looks like a really big bathtub with water splashing out. He began putting his SPF300+ sunblock so he can go outside without burning and rusting.

Gerard had been outiside for a while, he could hear the birds screeching and the loud crashing noises of the water. NiMu decided to give him a bath in the ocean. She put Gerard's legs in the water. It was cold..and the water splashed on him! It was a really strong one. And he got this first taste of salt water, he didn't like it one bit. 

After Gerard's minor hissy fit, he decided that he would just stand
and watch the water by the sand. The noise relaxed him
and made him feel better. He then fed the birds, built a sand castle,
and buried himself in the sand. 

Anyhoo, Gerard had a great (and safe) tan. He had a fun time at the beach. He hopes NiMu will bring him back there soon!

1 comment:

  1. the slight tilt Gerard made in the first photo is oh-so-cuuuute!
